popuparchitect.com Gleam Technologies: Gleam Technologies: Web Based Services

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Gleam Technologies: Web Based Services

Gleam Technologies provides web based services which is also known as internet based services  to downloads and uploads data .Web based services  they can operate at automatic intervals you set to download the information in the background while you work in your FINANCIAL software.
As web based services provides as  a medium delivering a globally accessible interfaceto services.web services uses basic web technology for implementing applications.  Web-based services uses lighter-weight protocols and ad-hoc design approaches to merge or mash-up information or services for use primarily by individuals.

As a web service is a software function provided at a network address over the web or the cloud, it is a service that is “always on” as in the concept of utility computing.
Gleam technologies is a premier IT enabled service provider and provides web based services.

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